Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heidi Montag's plastic surgery

Heidi Montag has took it way too far with the plastic surgery crap! Recently she had 10 procedures done from her ears being pinned back to even bigger boobs then she already has. In an article I found, she says she was made fun of when she was younger and thats why she wanted to change her look. "I was made fun of when I was younger, and so I had insecurities, especially after I moved to L.A. People said I had a "Jay Leno chin"; they'd circle it on blogs and say nasty things. It bothered me. And when I watched myself on The Hills, my ears would be sticking out likle Dumbo! I just wanted to feel more confident and look in the mirror and be like, "Whoa! That's me!" I was an ugly duckling before." Says People's magazine.

Its ok to have a few things done, here and there, like she did the first time when she just changed her nose and her boobs. This is gone too far though, she doesnt even look like herself. I feel like its a disgrace to her parents. She looks so fake and horrible. She is also a bad role model for younger girls who are in love with "The Hills". They see her look this way and probably want to be like her and think there is nothing wrong with changing who you are. Damn, be happy with what your mama gave you! I was working and talking about this to a customer and she said her 7 year old soon saw what Heidi looked like and was like eww what is wrong with her.

This relates to advertising because people are going to see that since Heidi all over the internet, in magazines, on TV and its going to influence people's behaviors. Women may think well I was made fun of and I look a little fat, so I want to be perfect looking like a Barbie so Im going to go through plastic surgery. They are going to think that thier natural beauty isnt good enough. She doesnt look like a barbie to me, she looks like an alien or something! I cant wait to see her on the Hills tonight and see what people have to say!



  1. Very true. Not only will people be seeing her on the internet and wondering why she would go through all that plastic surgery but it also goes to show you how already existing internet info. can affect a person. Look at what she said about the bloggers circling her chin. I'm sure there's going to bloggers ready to point out all her plastic surgery flaws. Oh well, if she likes how she looks I guess that's what really matters. Lets just hope she relaxes with the P.S. for a while!

  2. She looks freaky now! her face is frozen, she can barley show facial expression. I watched the 1st NEW episode of the Hills last night and came to find out that the reason why she had all those things done to her face and body was because she was made fun of for them when she was younger. Being on such as popular show, I can see where you are going with how bad it is for girls to want to change their image because of a reality show star. The Internet is such a good way of advertising but then again can be so bad for those people such as Heidi with low self esteem!

  3. She looks so weird and actually I am sad to say, worse then she has ever looked. I watch the Hills and every episode I watch, I actually feel sorry for her. She has ruined herself really and recently says she wants to get more done! I don't know how she does that. I personally do not believe in plastic surgery unless it is done for medical use only. But I don't understand how a person can go through all that. She is getting so much negative advertising from it and it turns out that's why she got it done. She was being made fun of and all the Internet rumors were going around. She really took a negative thing and only made it even worse.

  4. I think she looks awful. But this is also good buzz for The Hills. It worked with you....it started a conversation and a mention of the show. She probably didnt have all that surgery done to help promote the show but it didnt hurt...I think more people will tune in and see what she is doing.

  5. She definitely went downhill from the beginning of the show's series. My mom gets People magazine and that is how I first saw and heard about it. She looks horrible and seeing the pictures makes me feel bad for her. All of the publicity has been bad for her and it is only going to make her more insecure. Being in the spotlight proves to be stressful and some people just can't handle being true to themselves.

  6. My initial reaction to this surgery was "what was she thinking!" I think she looked MUCH better before all of the surgery. Now she looks like a munster. She said she wanted to do the surgery because she was made fun of. I wonder what she is going to do now that she can't do anything to fix her mistake.

    I just hope she feels better about herself. At the end of the day that is all that matters.
