Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heidi Montag's plastic surgery

Heidi Montag has took it way too far with the plastic surgery crap! Recently she had 10 procedures done from her ears being pinned back to even bigger boobs then she already has. In an article I found, she says she was made fun of when she was younger and thats why she wanted to change her look. "I was made fun of when I was younger, and so I had insecurities, especially after I moved to L.A. People said I had a "Jay Leno chin"; they'd circle it on blogs and say nasty things. It bothered me. And when I watched myself on The Hills, my ears would be sticking out likle Dumbo! I just wanted to feel more confident and look in the mirror and be like, "Whoa! That's me!" I was an ugly duckling before." Says People's magazine.

Its ok to have a few things done, here and there, like she did the first time when she just changed her nose and her boobs. This is gone too far though, she doesnt even look like herself. I feel like its a disgrace to her parents. She looks so fake and horrible. She is also a bad role model for younger girls who are in love with "The Hills". They see her look this way and probably want to be like her and think there is nothing wrong with changing who you are. Damn, be happy with what your mama gave you! I was working and talking about this to a customer and she said her 7 year old soon saw what Heidi looked like and was like eww what is wrong with her.

This relates to advertising because people are going to see that since Heidi all over the internet, in magazines, on TV and its going to influence people's behaviors. Women may think well I was made fun of and I look a little fat, so I want to be perfect looking like a Barbie so Im going to go through plastic surgery. They are going to think that thier natural beauty isnt good enough. She doesnt look like a barbie to me, she looks like an alien or something! I cant wait to see her on the Hills tonight and see what people have to say!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Conan O'Brien Going to TBS

Conan O-Brien will move to the TBS network in the fall. People say that this will add a new sense of humor to the network and it will attract new viewers. TBS needed a new face to get its ratings up. TBS is known for its reruns and a lot of thier audience doesnt connect any shows to the network like MTV does with "The Real World" or ABC with "Lost". Bringing in Conan O'Brien will bring high hopes of changing this issue, they think by having such a well-known comedian with his popular show will have people connect the network to him. I think it will bring in more viwers to TBS and make the network more money. I dont like the fact that he is switching networks though, because Im use to him being on NBC. This might upset some people, because they dont like change and they want him to stay with the bigger network.

How does this tie into advertising? Well this television network is using O'Brien as a brand. Since TBS has been a great place to sells ads, the network thinks that with O'brien's show airing on the station, it will attract more viewers. Being a late night comedy show, alot of younger people will be watching it and advertisers like to target the younger audience because they have such a high disposible income.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

At&T introduces the mini cell phone towers for the iphone

All of us iphone users know that sometimes the service goes in and out. This could be a real pain in the butt for people, especially in their homes. Well, At&T came up with this mini tower that looks like a WiFi found at certain locations. This mini tower is about the size of a coffee mug and can be used in homes to connect to the internet so your iphones will have full service at all times. This can be a plus for At&T and customers, because many customers do not like living near the huge cell phone towers because it is hazardous to their health and having mini cell phone towers in people's houses will save At&t a lot of money.

The downside to this device is that At&t iphone customers are complaining that they do not want to pay for these mini cell phone towers. They argue that they pay alot of money a month for the iphone service and that they shouldnt have to pay more money to get service because its not thier fault, its the companies problem, so the company should fix it.

These new mini cell phone towers are an advantage for the company. It may draw more people in to using At&T because they will know that they will be able to get service in their homes. By At&T advertsing their new product, they are making more money.

I think that At&T will gain more customer satisfaction if these mini towers were a free bonus for when people buy iphones. People will know that At&T is doing everything they can to better thier service and satisfying customer needs. They should reconsider their plan and have these cell towers be free, I mean come on, iphone users are already dishing out big bucks for thier service so why not do something nice for them and keep them using thier service.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adam Lambert stirring up controversy

At the AMA's Adam Lambert shocked many people. He turned a lot of people agaisnt him due to his risque performance. Millions of people watch the AMA's and because its aired on ABC, its a family network so it attracts a young audience as well as an older one. He came of as "risque" due to him pretending to recieve oral sex from another male with mirrors all around so the audience can see everything. He also made out with the male keyboardest. He had woman all over him acting as sex slaves. There was alot of touching and caressing the legs during his performance and the lyrics were very sexual. First of all this stirs up controversy because younger people may see it on public television and think its ok to be promiscous. Parents were not happy when they saw this, they dont want thier young children to know about oral yet and even worse reenact it.

I think he did this on purpose. I think he wanted to get the negative attention because hey its negative but its still getting talked about. He is following in the footsteps of Elvis and Madonna being risque. People either loved them or hated them but either way they were still very well known and talked about.

I think Adam Lambert is a great artist but he could of cleaned up his act for a family television network. People wonder why kids younger and younger want to be sexy and promiscuous, its because they idolize these artists and think that if they are doing it then it is ok to copy them. I think he owes America an apology.

