Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Facebook "Like" Button for Brands

Companies and advertisements are comming up with new ways for fans on facebook to show thier interest in a brand. Instead of becoming a fan to a specefic brand, facebook ads are going to have the "Like" button. It is the same thing as the like button that you would click for a status or a wall post. Advertisers feel that this would be a more easy and natural way for fans to show thier love to brands such as Starbucks. Businesses use facebook to promote thier product and connect with thier customers. Its also a way for businesses to make money. Businesses also feel that if you like a company page then it will be in your minifeed on your homepage and all your friends can see it, so its a better way to get thier name out there.

They keep coming up with new ways to advertise on facebook. I think its a little crazy that they are going to make such a small change just to see if they get more attention and new customers. I think with facebook being the largest social network it is a smart idea to post advertisements on the site but many people get annoyed with them and simply tune them out. That is what I do at least. I mean, really how is "liking" a companies page going to benefit them? I could click like on a coca-cola page, but it doesnt mean I am going to run to the store and buy the drink! I really think this isnt going to make companies more money so it is a pretty stupid idea.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

MOG New Music Network

Tired of Pandora and other online music networks make you wait around to listen to an artist you actually like? I know it bothers me when I am listening to a song on Pandora and I want to hear another one but I cant skip around to listen to that specefic artist so I end up waiting an hour to hear it. Its nonsense! Pandora is good in the way that it gives you a variety of artists that are similar to the one you chose, but what if there was an easier, less frustrating way to listen to the songs you want to hear! Also, you have to listen to ads on Pandora every once in a while and there is no way to fastforward them, this becomes a pain. To add to the frustration, some of the songs they play on Pandora are just samples so you can't enjoy the entire song.

MOG is a new music network that is like Itunes in the way that you have to pay for the service but it gives you much more of a variety then most music networks. MOG allows you to pick the song you want to hear. It will give you suggestions on what other artists you may like based off of the artists you listen to. This way you can find similar songs that may interest you. You can also listen to any artist whenever you want and can fast forward or skip to the next song. Your not stuck listening to an artist that you dont like. I like the sound of this music network better then the rest because it gives you more options. It allows you to also create playlists and share them with other users. Its just an easy way to keep the flow of music going, it allows people to get different tastes of music and expand their music collection.
With most technology, these days, there will be an app for MOG.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Google Buzz the New Thing!

Google has introduced a thing called Google Buzz. Its like a combination of Facebook and Twitter, but it actually is better and easier to use then these sites. It has a social networking feature that can be used on smartphones. You can share links, videos, images and IM chat with friends.

What I liked about it is that instead of adding people to follow you like you would in a blog or Twitter, Google automatically selects your top contacts through your email to follow you. I also like that you can create a slide show of pictures on your page and make them as big or as small as you like. With facebook, you can not alter the size which can be really annoying. Also, you have to make a slide show and then upload it to your facebook page whereas Google Buzz does it for you. To me it just saves alot of time. You can also make your profile private or publice, so you can avoid those creepy stalkers!

I just think its cool because it is a combination of sites such as youtube, an email account, Twitter, and Facebook. You can set up a profle with pictures, network with people and share your favorite videos to your followers. It shows you when you have notifications. Its like a mind of its own, it will give you friend suggestions that share the same interests and so on. You can also chat with people, while search for anything on the main google page. Its easier because everything is right there in front of you.

To relate this to advertising, I think it could be an excellant source for people who have businesses to get thier name out. Or for people who invented a product and want to share it to the world, they can advertise it on Google Buzz and you never know, it can become popular and you can become famous!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Toyota Recalls

Recently, toyota has had recalls on some of thier models. THey had sticking accelerators and with floor mats trappping gas pedals. 8.5 million vehicles were recalled. If the company doesn't fix this problem within 60 days they will get a fine. This has caused much aggervation for Toyota. It has dropped in sales, and lost loyal customers.

This is very dangerous for drivers, along with giving Toyota a bad rep. Toyota always had good quality cars and excellent customer satisfaction. Now the company is not selling any cars and struggling with maintaining its loyal customer base. Its bad for marketing. People will no longer trust this company and it will end up losing a ton of money.
