Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Amazon Risks Losing Kindle Edge" article

The invention of the new Ipad, that is not yet released caused much controversy for other online businesses. It is a threat to competitors such as Barnes & Noble and Amazon due to its easy to use features . Amazon fears that many of its customers will switch to the IPad when it is available because it offers online books. These books will be able to be read right from the screen of an IPad.

I feel like since the iPad invention is easy to use that it will hurt businesses such as Amazon. Instead of going online to purchase a book, iPad users can simply find a book and read it right there on their screen. This is a threat to Amazon users because honestly who is going to want to go online, find a book they want, order it, and have to wait for it to be shipped to their house when they can find a book on their iPad and read it automatically. People today are living a fast pace life so with an application like this who is going to turn it down? I know I wouldn't. If they can have it in front of them in just minutes they can save a lot of time.

I read that Amazon is going to update thier website by adding a Kindle application and making it touchscreen but I do not think it is going to be a threat to the IPad. There are so many Apple users that trust in this company and are looking for the newest invention that they can't wait for the ipad to come out. So there you have all the apple users that love their iphones and itouches that you know will choose ipad over Amazon. ipad already has one up on Amazon's plan to have Kindle-based apps because Apple has signed on with many publishers and is already announced to the public that it has a ibooks store. I think Amazon and especially bookstores are going to lose a lot of money. In a way I kind of feel bad for the small bookstores, because I don't think they have a chance of making it after this one but it should be interesting to see Apple's newest success!


  1. Wow! you know I didn't hear about the Ipad until last week when someone mentioned it in one of my classes. and I coudn't agree with you more. This new Apple invention is definatly going to hurt business's such as Amazon online and of course any real bookstore business like Barnes and Noble. There are so much people that trust the Apple logo that they will probably go after it just as they did with the iPod and iPhone. Everything is going technical these days, I'm almost scared to hear what's next.

  2. I personally cannot wait for the iPad to come out. I am a big Apple supporter and if possible I would choose them over anything else. I knew it was only a matter of time before they came out with a competing product, Kindle and the Barnes and Nobles Nook may still be fine. However, I do agree with you, and I too feel for small book store owners, what happened to small video stores, seems too be a coming to small book store owners. Its a fast pace world, and its only a matter of time before virtually everything becomes that way.

  3. Like Erin, I am also a big Apple supporter. I know when the Kindle came out I thought it was a cool device but I don't read that much and I wasn't about to spend the $250 price tag that goes along with it. No matter what Apple creates, they have established a brand that people know how high quality their products are. The iPad looks like a big iPod to me but I know that I would purchase the iPad over the Kindle because of all the apps that can go on it, etc. Even though it is more money, it has a wider range of things that can be done other than just reading books on the Kindle. I know that mentality is exactly what is going to make the iPad the next big thing.

  4. I think the ipad will definently effect businesses. I think stores like barnes and nobles and amazon will notice a difference in sales once the ipad is released. Apple is such a popular brand these days that the ipad will catch on quick and become the new thing. Apple will continue to grow while other businesses will fail because they just cant keep up and compete.
