Monday, May 10, 2010

Iphone Lost and Found

Im sure you all have heard about the new iphone being lost! Well, its stirred up a lot of contraversy for apple and the man who lost it. The story goes something like this..

A 27 year old man Gray Powell who is an engineer for apple was out at a bar in California having what looked like the iphone 3gs with him (but really it was the new iphone) where he left the new phone on the bar stool. Then a really random drunk guy saw it at the bar and gave it to the guys who were sitting next to Powell. They said it wasnt theirs, waited around for someone to come back and claim it but no one did. While waiting the man was plying around with the phone, thinking it was just a normal iphone but what was weird was that it only had 6 apps and when he tried using the camera it kept crashing. He went to the facebook app and saw Powells picture.

The next morning the man woke up and was going to return it to its rightful owner but the phone was dead! He then noticed it wasnt a normal iphone having the camera on the front. He thought it was fake so he opened the phone up and saw that it was completly different then the iphone hes use to. From that point, he called apple many times but people didnt beleieve him and just gave him a waiting number. He never recieved a call back.

I dont really know how, but weeks later Gizmodo got the iphone for $5,000. At the time GIzmodo didnt know if it was the real thing or not but when they took the phone apart they realized it was! They documented it before returning it to apple. They contated Powell through messaging on his phone and safely returned the phone. As for, Powell his career is up in the air. Some people thought that he could have done it on purpose for publicity.

I think it was an honest mistake. People lose phones all the time, and yes even proffessionals. Especially at a bar, when you have a few drinks in you it just makes it that much easier to lose things. What I think is crazy is that other drunk people at the bar didnt steal it. Apple and Powell really lucked out with having the phone be returned to them.


  1. After I talked about this in class with our Professor, I did a little bit of research on it. I cannot believe Apple went as far as to disguise their new iPhone so no one would realize what it was. I honestly believe the poor guy that left the phone did it as a mistake... but what if he didn't? What if it was an advertising ploy to get people talking about the new iPhone? I think if Apple did this on purpose, that it was a great and totally free advertising technique that really created a hype!

  2. This so-called apple scandal would be very clever if it is infact true. Just leaving the new IPhone purposely where it can be picked up would of course create drama and talk. Everyone's always dying to see the newest technology, especially by Mac! Someone outside of the company got their hands on this phone and was able to create controversy which in turn creates a sense of advertising for the phone and press for the company. Who knows if it was done on purpose or not, but if it was it worked!

  3. We talked about this in class.. and from what I made of it I feel like the guy definitely left the phone there at the bar on purpose. I mean he was given it with the knowledge that no one was allowed to see it and on top of that obviously not to loose it! So if this was done on purpose they would have known it was that person don't you think it would have been a better choice to sell it and make some MONEY! I would have done that... ha!

  4. I never heard of this iPhone scandal up until I read your blog. I don't really see why it is such a big deal at this point every other phone company is making similar products to the iPhone so whats the problem? If Apple did this a marketing ploy, well I can't exactly say I think it was very successful seeing how I never heard of it. If it was a mistake, oh well things happen like that all the time and if it was such a big secret deal the man should be reprimanded because that's not okay or responsible.
