Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Advertisements on your Cellphones

A new way of advertising is introduced, and its through people listening to the internet radio or using their cell phones. It works by Slacker, which is a radio internet service interacting with an online ad network to sell ads by phones. These ads are targeted to people using iphones, androids, and blackberrys. Its a way of expanding online audio advertising. "Mobile advertising is expected to grow reaching more than $1.5 billion by 2013", Bauchman said.

Advertsing has really come to this? Come on now, can we catch a break. I get so annoyed with seeing ads everyone that I just tune them out and it makes me not even want to consider buying the product. Aren't commercials and magazine ads enough? They have expanded so much in the past few years from being on youtube to facebook. The advertising market knows just how to get everyone, they know that since iphones and blackberrys are so popular then why not throw some ads on them. No, I dont like that idea. Jeez, I get annoyed when i get random texts on my phone saying sign up to find out your crush or other things like that. The advertising industry is huge and they already are making so much money, they should just leave our cell phones alone!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Abercrombie "Sex Sells"

This article talked about how Abercrombie and Fitch disobeys the code of ethics in the way that they advertise sex to young people. The store is targeted to 18-24 year olds, but many younger people shop there and the sexual slogans on the clothing gives them the wrong idea. I know this because I remember when I use to shop there in high school , I would buy tee shirts that said sexual things on them like "legal-ish" and I honestly would do it because I wanted attention from guys.

Many of their clothing's slogans have sayings on them that are inappropriate for young children. The article talked about underwear that can fit a 12 year old that has slogans such as "Eye Candy" or "Wink, Wink" on them. This is causing much contraversy for the parents of these children. I feel like marketing these slogans to younger children is unethical because it encourages promiscious behavior amoungst teens. It's putting thoughts in thier heads such as being "eye candy" is a way a girl should be portrayed to boys. I feel like it is going to cause many problems for these girls. They are going to think that getting this negative attention from guys is a good thing but it will only lead them to trouble. Its against many people's morals, ecspecially for mothers who bring thier young teens shopping, they absolutely do not want thier daughters to be portrayed to men as sex objects.

When it comes to using sex as a marketing tool, many companies do it because it attracts so many customers. If Abercrombie would do away with thier "sexy slogans" then I feel like they would lose customers. It's a hard situation to deal with because they do target to adults, but they have to realize that they draw in a younger crowd as well.

The article also talks about the American Marketing Association being strongly against using sex to sell to teens. They say that the mind of a teen is not fully developed and that seeing these promiscious images can make a young person more vunerable to belieing them. I agree with them because when a teen is wearing underwear that say "Wink, Wink", they probably think that it will get a boy to like them faster. It is teaching them negative ways to get a boys attention. It can lead to boys thinking that these young girls are inviting them in for a fun time, when in reality most of the girls are just wearing these clothes to look cool. It will only attract these boys to one thing, and that is them being an easy target to hook up with.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Amazon Risks Losing Kindle Edge" article

The invention of the new Ipad, that is not yet released caused much controversy for other online businesses. It is a threat to competitors such as Barnes & Noble and Amazon due to its easy to use features . Amazon fears that many of its customers will switch to the IPad when it is available because it offers online books. These books will be able to be read right from the screen of an IPad.

I feel like since the iPad invention is easy to use that it will hurt businesses such as Amazon. Instead of going online to purchase a book, iPad users can simply find a book and read it right there on their screen. This is a threat to Amazon users because honestly who is going to want to go online, find a book they want, order it, and have to wait for it to be shipped to their house when they can find a book on their iPad and read it automatically. People today are living a fast pace life so with an application like this who is going to turn it down? I know I wouldn't. If they can have it in front of them in just minutes they can save a lot of time.

I read that Amazon is going to update thier website by adding a Kindle application and making it touchscreen but I do not think it is going to be a threat to the IPad. There are so many Apple users that trust in this company and are looking for the newest invention that they can't wait for the ipad to come out. So there you have all the apple users that love their iphones and itouches that you know will choose ipad over Amazon. ipad already has one up on Amazon's plan to have Kindle-based apps because Apple has signed on with many publishers and is already announced to the public that it has a ibooks store. I think Amazon and especially bookstores are going to lose a lot of money. In a way I kind of feel bad for the small bookstores, because I don't think they have a chance of making it after this one but it should be interesting to see Apple's newest success!